The Rinchen Terdzö Catalog
The Great Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings
This catalog presents information about each of the texts in the 72-volume Shechen Edition of the Rinchen Terdzö Chenmo, The Great Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings. This unique collection, the largest of the five treasuries that Jamgon Kongtrul the Great compiled throughout his life, is comprised of many Rediscovered Teachings (gter ma) from various traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Tsadra Foundation has been funding the editing and reproduction of a new printing of the text with Shechen Monastery for many years and is delighted to provide this valuable resource. This catalog is unique in that it provides access to all texts in unicode and as PDF documents, available for free download, including the tsagli and mandala images associated with each terma cycle. The catalog also provides critical information for researchers such as biographies of revealers and authors, cross-referenced with the Tertön Gyatsa (gter ston brgya rtsa), and textual metadata with cataloging notes.