A Commentary on the Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva
Author: Gyalse Tokme Zangpo, Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Vajra Vidya Institute
Publication: 2020-02-03
Subject: Bodhisattva Path | Practice
School: Kagyu
A Compilation of Guides to Sacred Sites and Talks
Author: Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Vajra Vidya Institute
Publication: 2020-06-09
Subject: Public Teachings
School: Kagyu
Lives of Sixteen Karmapas
Author: Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Vajra Vidya Institute
Publication: 2020-09-07
Subject: Biographies
School: Kagyu
The Gateway to Sukhavati
Author: Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Vajra Vidya Institute
Publication: 2019-06-30
Subject: Instructions and Advice | Public Teachings
School: Kagyu
Extracting the Essence of Easy Accomplishment: A Short Commentary on the Treasury of Abhidharma
Author: Vasubandhu, Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje, Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Vajra Vidya Institute
Publication: 2020-02-13
Subject: Abhidharma | Commentary
School: Indian tradition | Kagyu
A Commentary on the Ascertainment of Validity extracted from the Ocean of Literature on Logic
Author: Dharmakīrti, Seventh Karmapa Chödrak Gyatso, Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Vajra Vidya Institute
Publication: 2020-05-19
Subject: Commentary | Logic
School: Indian tradition | Kagyu
A Supplementary Commentary on the Drops of Valid Reasoning
Author: Dharmakīrti, Seventh Karmapa Chödrak Gyatso, Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Vajra Vidya Institute
Publication: 2020-09-13
Subject: Commentary | Logic
School: Indian tradition | Kagyu
The Extracted Textual Commentary on the Vinaya Sutras
Author: Guṇaprabha, Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje, Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Vajra Vidya Institute
Publication: 2020-05-28
Subject: Vinaya and Pratimoksha
School: Indian tradition | Kagyu
The Extracted Commentary on the Root Text of the Ornament of Clear Realization
Author: Maitreya, Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje, Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Vajra Vidya Institute
Publication: 2020-03-16
Subject: Perfection of Wisdom | Works of Maitreya
School: Kagyu
Collected Autobiographical Writings of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Author: Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Vajra Vidya Institute
Publication: 2021-01-29
Subject: Biographies
School: Kagyu
A Collection of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche’s Teachings